I am a HUGE breastfeeding advocate especially for the first year if it is something that you are able to do. I would never push it on anyone or make them feel less than if they were able or simply chose not to do it. We all are just trying to do what is best for our families, and stressing over a weak supply or pumping when you are back at work just might not be worth it.
Now, that being said there has been so much in the news and social media about a sort of "backlash" for mommies nursing in public. To this I say America, get with the fucking program. Boobs are make for nursing not as a oogly sexual body part! (Not denying they are pretty successful at this as well but that's not why we are here.) Let's play would you rather Americans. Would you rather my kid spend the next 2 hours of your dinner screaming her head off, or would you like me to descreetly expose one brown roni and soothe this sweet baby so you can enjoy your meal? And maybe I will cover with a scarf while she latches, maybe not. The amount of actual nipple that is exposed during nursing is wait for it....way less than an episode of GoT dishes out in 60 minutes. I can't imagine this would ruin your meal. Shouldn't I be more offended by the fact that you were staring at my chest long enough to even notice there was a baby attached? My sweet child refuses to miss any of the going ons of the world when we are out which results in several whips of her head from side to side at even the slightest sound of anything interesting. So I pump for our outtings. This saves us both from being milk and sweat covered by the end of the ordeal. I have had people see me pull out the bottle and say "I thought you were breastfeeding?" Would you believe this makes me feel guilty, mommas? Like in order to be such an advocate I should be whipping these brown rounds out anywhere and everywhere, and never give milk in a bottle. No. Not true. It wouldn't be best for either of us the stress would slow down my flow, baby would be distracted, and frustrated. Every decision we make for our family is hard no matter what. Breast, or bottle, or formula, or everything together, as long as baby and mommy are happy and healthy that's what counts. But, if I ever saw another breastfeeding badass momma being shamed for exposing the twins in public. There will be hell to pay!
1 Comment
4/17/2016 05:12:03 pm
Love this!! So proud of you friend!
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AuthorShauna Hyler, mommy of two beautiful girls! Working, blogging, and adventuring with the hubby and my sweet girls. Categories