Confession I am an adult woman who had never owned an electronic toothbrush until a few weeks ago. Why? Why would so wait so long? First off I though they would cost hundreds of dollars, the other big reason would be I thought I didn’t have the space. Seems silly but hear me out, I don’t have a vanity in my main level bathroom, space is scarce, basically enough for a hand soap and that’s it, plus we all know anything within reach of a toddler will be grabbed off of the counter so that’s not an option. Enter the Smile Brilliant cariPRO. Mornings are complete chaos, CHAOS. Remembering to brush my teeth before noon is a task let alone making sure I am taking the time I really need to do it. Y’all! I don’t get freaking two minutes to brush my teeth without a stage five clinger attached sometimes. What is happening? But, I’m serious as soon as the girls are awake it’s pedal to the medal. So, the fool proof timed brushing, my jam, I can continue to chase while brushing and KNOW that I got it done properly. I swear my teeth are whiter and feel front he dentist clean, after I finally get to brush them for the day. ha ha! It’s sleek enough to pop into the storage with the rest of my family’s toothbrushes include the FOUR my daughter hoards. My favorite mode is the “White” but, I would have really loved to have the “Sensitive” as an option during my pregnancy when I had super touchy teeth and gums. The kit come with the charging station which it totally modern, magnetic, and space not like some of the other “displays” that other brands come with. I don’t need to display it, I need to charge it occasionally and brush with it. The charge holds for roughly 30 complete timed cycles, so at twice a day brushing that gets you about two weeks worth, not bad! Then leave it on the charger overnight until the light turns green again and you are good to go again. What’s the cost of the freshest breath, whitest, and cleanest teeth I have ever had outside of a dentist’s visit? Only $119 for the starter kit with two brush heads! When you break that down by cost per use or even year that’s a steal! But, fear not I have your chance to win one! Enter below for your chance to win a starter keep and have great teeth despite your children. If you don’t win or can’t wait to give this brush a try use my code shaunahyler20 to save 20% OFF when you order, such a great deal! Let me know what you think!
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I had the opportunity to try out Milwaukee's First and ONLY Custom IV Therapy Clinic. I was a part of a very special event they hosted called "Debutantes and Drips" and they rolled out the read carpet for a select group of local ladies to try a drip and share about our experience. H2O is located just outside of the city in the town of Brookfield, I didn't know what to expect to be honest because my previous experience with IV placement was less than stellar. I had IVs placed for both of my labor and deliveries and I got poked several times in multiple places before and IV was able to be ran so that I was THEN able to get my sweet, sweet epidural. Now let's take a look at my experience at H2O. Keeping in mind I did not come to get an IV because I was about to have a human exit my body but I had ailments. The two aforementioned children that I have pushed out of my body exhaust me to my core, momma needed a drip and keep it coming. Granted, the hospital, while someone is in labor is definitely more of a stressful environment than the swanky hydration oasis that is H2O, but nevertheless I am very impressed by the team there who, by the way are all trained nurses and is owned by an anesthesiologist read: fierce lady boss. One poke after a cold spray and done. I chatted with my friends while I waited for my custom fluids to be blended up. I chose a recliner, settled in and selected my infusion aroma for my oxygen. Yes, you read that right. Let me tell you, after about an hour of breathing sweet minty air breathing this regular old stale air like like toture. Ha! So, you want to know how it felt right? Well first let me tell you how it tasted, yes tasted! I was on the side of the 50% that can actually taste the fluids. What's it taste like? The after taste of a multi-vitamin on the back of your tongue, not bad, just enough you notice. Thankfully there were yummy snacks and beverages to enjoy so I barely noticed. What I did notice, I felt super alert and "sharp" about half way through my bag. Like an extreme clarity that you would need to cram for an exam and ace it is the only way I could describe it. Subsequently, I stayed up way past my bedtime doing nothing in particular, but very focused. Dr. Fox joked, "Most people don't get a 9pm IV unless they plan on staying up to party all night," this momma is far past her partying prime so, noted! Since we were all enjoying our IVs as a part of an event they ran them a bit slower so it took about an hour for me to completely drain my bag of fluid. Typically the process takes about 30 minutes give or take. How worth it would it be to spend 30 minutes of your day to rid a migrane? Push back morning sickness? Refuel after an intense physical workout? Or of course cure a hangover! I would say its a no brainer. The blends range in pricing but start at $79, they price CAN be covered by your insurance and/or paid for with a health saving or similar account, make sure you check with your insurance ahead of time though. Like I said, I did not know what to expect. That said, the whole experience pretty much blew my socks off. The ease of getting the IV in, the warmth and expertise of the team, the space is a dream truly "the care of a physician with the comfort of home" on this particular night that included 90's and early 2000's tunes which had me feeling right at home! It would seem as though that blend they whipped up had just what an exhausted working momma needed, look how bright eyed and bushy tailed I look here even though its past my bedtime! Thank you so much to H2O Health Hydration Oasis and to all these lovely ladies to joining me for my first IV Therapy experience! Head over to their pages to see what they thought of their experience. All post photos by Christopher Hyler Photography Think this sounds like something you want to try? Hit that button below!
“My cup runneth over!” Or my breasts runneth over and filled my freezer. Something like that. So, I stand holding my 7 month and and stare into my packed freezer of perfectly frozen and “bricked” rows on rows of breast milk, and I count in my head as I place another precisely measured and sealed bag nice and flat to freeze, “everything the freezer light touch is your kingdom little one...” oh wait different kind of story. But, nevertheless there we stood, me feeling proud, her feeling robbed that the noisy machine she made every attempt to unplug stole her milk in the end. First time around in this EBF rodeo I never made it passed 100 ounces in the fridge at once. 100 though? Good job right? Meh, it’s ok if I’m being honest but babies eat a lot of milk in a day, a lot. My girls in particular never went more than 3 hours without nursing, typical two hours, yes even still at 8 months. So three ounces every two hours for the twelve hours she is awake, 18 oz give or take because when she is taking it from the tapper we don’t really know how much she’s getting exactly. 18oz a day out of 100oz, ain’t gonna last very long. But the intent of the stash was never to deplete it, just to tide her over if I didn’t pump enough for the day during my morning session, or worked late, or a bottle got spilled or went back. But, the best laid plans right? I started rushing home with full breasts begging my husband not to thaw another bag, adding a night pump session that was just drips in hopes of restoring my gold mine, to no avail by the end of the year, I was down to my last bag and ready to take my pump to burning man. I told myself, never again. New baby new plan. With my second I started pumping earlier and more often and very, very diligently. My body adjusted, my routine were established, my stash grew. Now, I have just over 4 months left and an abundance of breastmilk that risks not being consumed. I reached out to my tribe “how can I help another momma?” They offered up suggestions, and personal testimonials as donors and recipients and my momma heart smiled! I could do this I could bring this joy to another momma! I sheepishly post my first offer of 100 ounces of the good stuff in a Human Milk 4 Human Babies Page on Facebook. Then I waited, then I panicked “what if no one wants my milk?” “How will I chose who gets my milk?” “Is this even a good offer, is it enough milk?” “Will it really help someone or am I just trying to make myself feel better?” The messages started rolling in and as I chatted with moms I realize I had a criteria that I didn’t know existed. But, oh boy did it exist. Ideal ages, stories, connection, location, just a feeling deep down I needed to feel. What’s the big deal Shauna you want to give it to someone how about the first taker she needs it right? I know right!? I have spent almost 8 months of my life, pumping, measuring, flattening, freezing, labeling, counting, cleaning, time, money, sweat, tears, and LOVE. This is a piece of me literally, I didn’t think I would feel this way I am so not a sap. But, there I was giving mommas the third degree and waiting for the spark like I’m speed dating. Then there she slide into my DMs. She explained that her 9 month old was eating just more than she produced in a day while she was away. She also explained that she has plenty for a while so don’t feel bad if I don’t choose her, and thanked me for donating. I didn’t cry right then but, I did want to. A few mommas were pushy and some and just weren’t forth coming and I just didn’t feel a connection or relatable to some at all. But THIS momma, shared that with her first she produced enough and was fortunate enough to donate and knows how it feels the first time and that this donation would be enough for her to provide for him until he turned one. My heart swelled and I chose her. I KNEW that stress of making just not quite enough and watching your stash slowly deplete just as you think you are about to get ahead. I wanted to take that stress off of her shoulders and help her meet her goal. So I did, she came with her cooler and baby, and I exchanged my full bags of milk for fresh new empty ones from her. I told her baby boy to enjoy the milk and felt the weight lift off of her shoulders, or maybe the old me felt it. I never really knew anything about donor milk or milk banks or any of it, until now. I honestly don’t know if I would take donor milk if the shoe was on the other foot but maybe, maybe the me who knotted her stomach and counted every last drip as a I pumped sitting on a floor pumping, hunched over my lunch, swiping through pictures and videos of my baby on my phone because that’s supposed to help right. Maybe? But, this time I don’t have to wonder and I am just so filled with joy knowing I could help someone else. ❤️
AuthorShauna Hyler, mommy of two beautiful girls! Working, blogging, and adventuring with the hubby and my sweet girls. Categories