The Diary Factory
pump up the jam
I wish someone would have told me how hard it is to nurse. Oh shit, someone did but I didn't believe her for a second. (Thanks Megan, you are a real friend). But do you think I would I believed her? No. I should have listened. So, now you should listen to me!
So if you have decided you are going to nurse give yourself a pat on the back, strap your nursing bra on, and prepare to feel like a dairy cow.
The body is an amazing thing and I truly enjoy nursing. A lot of women don't have any desire to do it or just don't enjoy it . Listen we all have had a human exit out of our bodies so let's not split hairs here. What ever choice is best for you and your little one is the right choice. Breast milk isn't going to make your kid the next Einstein.
So if you have decided you are going to nurse give yourself a pat on the back, strap your nursing bra on, and prepare to feel like a dairy cow.
- The second best advice I can give you is, stockpile. Not ice chest, dooms day prepper mode, but at least enough to have a weeks worth of milk give or take at every stage. This amount will increase as baby gets bigger. This will help you ride out any clogged ducts, stubborn baby, or changes in supply. I wish I would have stocked up in the beginning while the getting was good, right when my milk came in. I had so many anxious days at work wondering if my husband was at home thawing every last drop of the little supply I had in the freezer. I would find myself trying to rush home to nurse the baby before he would have to thaw another bag. Also, it's nice to have some back up so you can have a glass or two of wine occasionally guilt free.
- I nursed literally every time my baby made a peep for the first 3 days and by the 4th day my milk was in full force! You are on babies schedule for a good long time until you can establish a routine between the two of you with sleeping and feeding. Which for me didn't come for quite a while. I fed her on demand for a long time no matter where we were or what we were doing, she has never had any weight issues and I haven't had to supplement.
- I did not give my baby a nuk/pacifier but that doesn't make it right or wrong. I found she used me to soothe in the middle of the night since she didn't have one. But again no issues gaining weight and I could see when she was "rooting." But....she does suck her thumb...
- Get a GOOD nipple cream, at some point they will get chapped and it will feel like you can't go on, slather 'em up and pray. This to shall pass.
- If you get a clogged milk duct, massage, massage, massage. Hot shower while massaging in. Massage it while you pump. Massage it while baby nurses. And ice it. Make sure that that boob gets totally drained either will nursing or pumping each session to clear the clog.
- Don't skip your pump sessions, no matter how tired you are you have to keep them going like clock work in the beginning to establish your supply. Once you have a solid supply going you won't hurt it skipping here and there but don't make it a habit. But, skipping could also cause a clogged duct. Just not worth the pain.
- Don't go to sleep without pads in your bra! I like the Lansinoh ones the best they form to the boob nicely. They are bound to shift around no matter what brand but it will help you not wake up completely milk covered. These will be more and more important as baby starts to sleep longer stretches.
- Make sure you have some where relaxing and comfortable to pump at home and at work. Also, make sure to set aside enough time to do so. At work I pump on my lunch hour so that I have 30 solid minutes, bringing lunch saves me time and money, and has been great for my waist line. If you are comfortable and have enough time you should be stress free and able to express a good amount of milk.
- Pumping helped me lose all my baby weight very quickly, combined with healthy eating about 80% of the time. One of the perks.
- When you feel like quitting think of how good it is for baby and how much money you are saving not having to buy formula!
- Look at those chunky baby thighs! Don't be too humble to feel proud of yourself, you made the commitment, did the work and fed your baby, even if you do it for a short time you are amazing and don't let anyone tell you differently.
- Try not to heat up your milk too warm for baby, I got my little one to be able to take it right out of the fridge from time to time which is super helpful when you don't have an option to warm the bottle out and about.
- Be mindful of what you are wearing if you are going to nurse when you are out. There is nothing worse than getting somewhere with baby with no pumped milk on hand and realizing you are trapped in your outfit.
- Don't compare yourself to other mommas. Set a goal for how long you intend to nurse doesn't matter if it is 6 weeks or 26 months. It's personal and it is up to you. I found having an end point has helped me through even if it seems far away, there is an end in sight.
- If it has to end sooner than you think don't beat yourself up about it. Baby weaning? Not producing enough milk? Have to supplement? What is really most important? Baby getting what they need period. Bottom line, sometimes we need to put our pride and feelings of failure aside and do what is best for baby which in the end will probably cause everyone less stress. You did not fail. You did what was best for your family.
The body is an amazing thing and I truly enjoy nursing. A lot of women don't have any desire to do it or just don't enjoy it . Listen we all have had a human exit out of our bodies so let's not split hairs here. What ever choice is best for you and your little one is the right choice. Breast milk isn't going to make your kid the next Einstein.